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Formation de professionnel/-les du développement durable

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Bearded women : feminist activism in « La Barbe » as a form of informal adult learning

Catherine ANDRE, Elisabeth HOFMANN, published in : Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska, Cristina C. Vieira, « Private World(s). Gender and Informal Learning of Adults », ESREA Series « Research on the Education and Learning of Adults », Sense Publishers, Pays Bas, 2015.

Based on our experiences as lecturers and trainers in vocational training on local and international development, our students/participants are mainly people politically aware or committed activists.

As for us, we are involved to varying degrees in different organisations which have in common a collective dimension : feminist movements and networks, cultural associations, local development boards, NGOs.

Our strong interest in learning, adult education and transmission processes, led us to examine how the involvement in such organisations influences individual paths, and if this commitment turns out to be a source of learning, if it holds the capacity of operating individual transformations, especially in terms of « powers ». In the sense of Harraway and Harding, our « standpoint » is not neutral, but clearly situated regarding our own activist experience.